Fan Questions With Coach Henry

by Black Bears

With all the buzz surrounding the hiring of Coach Henry, we wanted to give the fans a chance to ask him a few questions. Thank you to all the fans that sent in questions!

1. Hi Coach Henry, Welcome to Binghamton I am glad to have you here lead our team. What inspired, or in other words, intrigued you to join our club, and how do you feel being the first Head Coach in Binghamton Black Bears history?

 Thank you for the warm welcome. When I first saw that Binghamton was getting a FPHL team I thought it would be a great opportunity to start my coaching career. Being the first coach in team history is very exciting. Something I take pride in. 

2. How long have you been coaching hockey? 

This is my first season coaching! Had an opportunity come up last year that was spoiled due to covid restrictions. 

3. As a first year coach, and and first year team what will your primary focus be? 

I’m looking for players that will work hard, be coachable, and are looking to become better hockey players. Special teams can win or lose you games, so that will be an important part of our success. 

4. What made you pick Binghamton? 

My wife and I live in Upstate NY, so it is a situation where I will be able to spend time with my family and coach professionally. 

5. What type of style will we see on the bench? Any plaid suits? 

Limited selection, but I’m not afraid to mix in some bright shirts or ties. 

6. Is there a coach you modeled yourself after?

I don’t know if I can pin a single coach that I model myself after. Most likely a combination of a few coaches I have played for in Pro/Jr. Hay, McLean, Tapper Loh. 

7. What type of player were you? And what are you looking for in players as a coach?

2 way forward. I’m sure some players thought I was annoying to play against. Looking for players that can improve our team! 

8. What are you looking for regarding goaltending? 

A FPHL seasoned veteran or to inject some NCAA/ACHA talent between the pipes? All of thee above! Someone who will work hard and stop a few pucks.


We are pleased to see the positive reaction we have received so far in Binghamton. As a result, season ticket sales are healthy and can be purchased by calling 607-722-7367 or emailing

We are looking forward to an incredible, historic opening night on Saturday, November 6th, against the Delaware Thunder. For more ticket information, visit: